ARRL Field Day

2024 Field Day Entry

You can update your Field Day Entry by modifying the form entries below and resubmitting. You can access a help page by clicking on i next to an item on the form. Note: You do not need to upload required documentation again, unless it's been modified. Each document can not be larger than 6 MB.

Call Used i     GOTA Station Call i     Location

Club or Group Name i (Type name to find and then select in existing list, or type complete name not on list.)

Number of Participants i     Number of Transmitters in simultaneous operation i

Entry Class (check only one):
A. Club or non-club group portable i
B. 1 or 2 person non-club group portable i   List of calls of operators:
C. Mobile i
D. Home station commercial power i
E. Home station emergency power i
F. EOC station i

Power Source (check all that apply):
Generator  Commercial mains  Battery  Solar  Other (list)  

Power Multiplier (check only one): i
5 watts or less and battery powered = 5x
100 watts or less = 2x
500 watts or less = 1x (Class A, B or C only)
More than 500 watts (will not be listed in the results)

Bonus Points claimed: Check each box as appropriate and include required proof of points with your submission. All bonus points will be verified at ARRL HQ and added to your score.

100% emergency poweri 
Media publicityiUpload documentation:
Public locationi 
Public information tablei 
Formal message to ARRL SM/SECiFile [Section-Manager-213-Message.txt] previously uploaded:
W1AW Field Day messageiFile [W1AW-Bulletin-2023.txt] previously uploaded:
Formal messages handledi — No.Upload documentation:
Satellite QSO (automatically determined) 
Natural power QSOs completediFile [Natural-Power-Station.jpg] previously uploaded:
Site visit by invited elected officiali 
Site visit by invited served agency officiali 
Educational activityi 
Youth participationi 
 Number of youth participants completing at least 1 QSO:
 Total number of youth participants:
GOTA bonus (automatically determined) 
Submitted entry online (automatically determined) 
Safety officeriFile [SVARA-Safety-Officer-Check-List-2023.pdf] previously uploaded:
Social mediai 
Site responsibilitiesiUpload documentation:
Note: Bonus points for satellite QSO, GOTA QSOs and web submission will be automatically determined from info entered elsewhere on this form.

Attention: Entrants must upload a QSO dupe sheet or Cabrillo log and complete the band/mode QSO breakdown below.

File [K8DAC.dup] previously uploaded:

Band/Mode QSO Breakdown: Do not list GOTA QSOs in this section. i


For GOTA Bonus, list names, calls and number of QSOs for each GOTA station operator: i   Check for GOTA coach bonus i


I/We have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for amateur radio in my/our country. My/our report is correct and true to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee. Submission of this form indicates my/our agreement with these statements. i

Name     Call     E-mail Address

You'll have an opportunity to enter comments using a link on the confirmation page.